Yelm Station #21 – SETFA’s Main Operations/Administration Station

SETFA’s Main Operations/Admin Station
S.E. Thurston Fire Authority’s (SETFA) Main Operations is located at Station #21 in Yelm at 709 Mill Rd. This station is manned 24 hours a day. SETFA’s Administration Station’s office hours are 9:00am – 5:00pm. If no one answers when you call, please leave a message with your name and phone number (please speak slowly and clearly). When stopping by the station, please ring the doorbell if the front door is locked. If available, someone will answer the door. This station is manned 24 hours a day. This building was constructed in 1995 and is approximately 11,088 square feet.
Lawrence Lake Station #22 – (Currently Closed)

Station #22
Station #22 is located in Lawrence Lake at 17213 153rd and was purchased in 1970. This is a volunteer station and is manned when volunteers are available. The apparatus building is 2,700 square feet. (Currently Closed)
Rainier Station #24

Station #24
Station #24 is located in Rainier at 12506 133rd Ave. This station is manned 24 hours a day. Built in 2006, this apparatus building is 1,750 square feet, with a 1,115 square feet modular build.