What is a “Vial of Life”?
The “Vial of Life” is designed to speak for you when you can’t speak for yourself. It is an important personal medical information form that can assist emergency personnel in administering the proper medical treatment.
How to use it:
Download and print the Personal Medical Information form “Vial of Life” and a copy of the decal.
- Follow the instructions on the form and fill it out to the best of your ability with as much information as possible.
- Place the completed form in a Ziplock bag along with any do not resuscitate orders and place inside the freezer door.
- Put the copy of the decal on the outside of the freezer door where Fire Department personnel can see it.
- Alternatively, instead of placing the bag in the freezer door, tape the bag with contents to the outside of the freezer door and place the decal on or around the front entry door.
- Carry a copy of this information with you when you travel away from home.
- Update the form as needed or replace it with a new one from our website.