Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among adults 65 and older. Fire departments can play an important role in reducing falls among this age group by promoting fall prevention in community safety outreach activities.
Did you know:
Each year, 1 in 4 older adults aged 65 and older experiences a fall, and people who fall once are 2 times more likely to fall again.
- Remove boxes, newspapers, electrical cords and phone cords from walkways and stairs. Move coffee tables and magazine racks and plant stands from walkways.
- Use nonslip mats in your bathtub or shower; consider using a bath seat. Install grab bars in your shower and tub.
- To prevent falls, exercise to stay strong and have your vision checked.
- Remove or tape down loose rugs.
- Place night lights between your bedroom and the bathroom.
- Turn on lights before using the stairs.
- Make sure you have handrails on both sides of stairways.